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Emergency Lights

Emergency lights do exactly what they say – they provide lighting in the case of an emergency, whether or not it is caused by fire. It is essential that in an emergency you can easily and quickly identify the emergency exit and locate fire fighting equipment. Emergency lighting is usually required to operate fully automatically and provide sufficient lighting to ensure people of all ages can safely evacuate the premises in the event of the normal lighting failing.

Design and Installation

The design and installation of your emergency lighting system will be undertaken based on the requirements of your risk assessment. From this, we will be able to directly ascertain escape routes and exits that will encourage the appropriate emergency lighting in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5266.

We will install a system that is best for you taking into consideration testing, efficiency, functionality and if required decorative appeal whilst always ensuring your building is fully compliant with existing fire safety guidelines.

Servicing and Maintenance

We will test and service your emergency lighting system in accordance with BS 5266 which involves testing your system for a relevant period of time by simulating a mains failure. Once the mains supply have been restored any indicator or lamps you have will be checked to ensure it is showing that the supply has been restored. A visual inspection of the installation is completed to ensure compliance with BS 5266. The appropriate certification is issued once the service has been completed.

For more information or to get a quote for anything emergency light related please contact us